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Online Guest Lecture with Sabine Ruflair, 25.05.21, organised by Dr. Eva Ulrike Pirker

In the context of the lecture series “Staging Wor(l)ds, Embodiments: Performance and Translation” the musical translator Sabine Ruflair was our guest speaker again. The lecture series caters for students of Literary Translation and the general public. In her digital guest lecture “Das Musical als Gegenstand der Literaturübersetzung: Musicalbuch, Musicalproduktion und Markt” (25 May, 18:30) Ruflair provided insight into the complex development processes involved in the creation of musical libretto translations, and into their place in the German and international musical market.

The lecture series is funded by the HHU’s format “Bürgeruniversität in der Lehre” and open to the public after registration. The guest lecture was delivered in German.

External participants were cordially invited to attend the lecture session.


Our guest speaker:

Sabine Ruflair studied translation, acquired a diploma in Performing Arts from Folkwang University (Essen) and an MA-Degree in Cultural Management. In addition to working with German theaters, e.g. as a directing and production assistant for cultural events ((RUHR.2010, Nibelungen-Festspiele Worms), she has been translating musicals from English into German for fifteen years. Among her works are Jane Eyre, The Who´s TOMMY, The King and I, High Fidelity as well as Doktor Schiwago (with Jürgen Hartmann). Since 2015, she has been working at the department for international development of the company Stage Entertainment and has been supervising the translation process of selected musicals, e.g. TINA- Das Tina Turner Musical, Cirque du Soleil PARAMOUR or Pretty Woman.


Online Guest Lecture and Workshop with Sabine Ruflair, 04.12.20, organised by Dr. Eva Ulrike Pirker

Although the German theatre scene clearly cannot do without musicals these days, scholarship about their translation is virtually non-existent. In order to shed some light on this underresearched field, musical-translator Sabine Ruflair was invited as a guest speaker in the context of the lecture series „Staging Wor(l)ds, Embodiments: Performance and Translation“, which caters for students of Literary Translation and the general public. In her digital guest lecture (04 December 2020, 10:30 – 12:00) „Vom Tanz mit den Takten – Ausgewählte Aspekte der Übersetzung von Musical-Literatur“ Ruflair drew from knowledge and experience acquired over fifteen years of musical translation. Apart from generating and sharing practical knowledge about musical translation, she is also interested in exploring the hitherto disregarded theoretical aspects of her craft.

The lecture was funded by the HHU’s format “Bürgeruniversität in der Lehre” and open to the public after registration. The guest lecture was held in German and given via a digital platform.

After the lecture, Sabine Ruflair offered an interactive workshop about translating musical songs. The workshop was designed for a maximum of 10 participants.  Students of the MA-programme Literary Translation were prioritised in the registration for the workshop.

Our guest speaker:

Sabine Ruflair studied translation, acquired a diploma in Performing Arts from Folkwang University (Essen) and an MA-Degree in Cultural Management. In addition to working with German theaters, e.g. as a directing and production assistant for cultural events ((RUHR.2010, Nibelungen-Festspiele Worms), she has been translating musicals from English into German for fifteen years. Among her works are Jane Eyre, The Who´s TOMMY, The King and I, High Fidelity as well as Doktor Schiwago (with Jürgen Hartmann). Since 2015, she has been working at the department for international development of the company Stage Entertainment and has been supervising the translation process of selected musicals, e.g. TINA- Das Tina Turner Musical, Cirque du Soleil PARAMOUR or Pretty Woman.