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Reserach and Publications

The review magazine ReLü takes a look at both new translational studies research and new literature in general - for the latter, unlike other book reviews, it also discusses the aspect of the translation of the books in question.

In the series "Düsseldorf Übersetzt", translations done by our students within university projects are published.

Düsseldorf Übersetzt

The series "Düsseldorf Übersetzt" ("Düsseldorf translates", edited by Vera Elisabeth Gerling and Wiebke Sievers) is part of Düsseldorf University Press (dup) and has published student translations from university projects since 2010.

A new trilingual anthology in the series is currently in the making and expected to be published in the spring of 2022. The book will contain short stories by authors from Africa and the African diaspora in English as well as French. The German translations are produced by Literary Translation Students as part of the project "Blick in die Zukunft - Gegen das Vergessen".

You can see an overview of the 9 books below (click the cover to enlarge). For more information, reviews and links for online purchase, see the dup website (German only).

Other publications

Harish Mangalam: Aus dem Zwielicht. Vierzehn Einblicke in das Leben von Unberührbaren,ed. Stephanie Kreiner, edition pen vol. 19, Erhard Löcker GmbH, Wien 2015 . ISBN 978-3-85409-740-2 (19,80 €).

Translations by:

Mandana Bagheri, Dorothea Behler, Christopher Bischoff, Hanna Christine Fliedner, Emilia Gagalski, Doreen Klahold, Stephanie Kreiner, Christin Kunze,  Anna Lampenscherf, Anna-Maria Orlacchio, Margarita Ruppel, Nina Schürmann, Jennifer Schwartz, Jana Wahrendorff, Tanja Wichmann, Stephanie Zysk


Gogu Shyamala: Das Klagelied des Wasserspeichers. Erzählungen aus Indien, ed. Stephanie Kreiner, Erhard Löcker GmbH, Wien 2017, ISBN: 987-3-85409-827-0 (19,90 €)

Translations by:

Mareike Aepker, Theresa Benkert, Theresia Brasche, Martin Fischer, Friederike Hofert, Mareike Ilsemann, Julia Königs, Ann-Kathrin Kranz, Stephanie Kreiner, Louisa Kuck, Helena Küster, Julia Renner, Annabelle Staiger, Laura Strack, Jennifer Thomas, Sara Walczyk, Constanze Wehnes, Maike Wender, Fabienne Weufen


Parallelexistenzen. Erzählungen aus afrikanischen Ländern, ed. Sonja Frenzel und Stephanie Kreiner, Erhard Löcker GmbH, Wien 2018, ISBN: 978-3-85409-902-4 (19,80 €)

Translations by:

Ulrike Aner, Theresa Benkert, Sigrid Heiduschka, Julia Königs, Ann-Kathrin Kranz, Louisa Kuck, Lena Schimmele, Sara Walczyk, Fabienne Weufen, Sarah Zahn
